Croatian Technical Translation Services

We provide professional Croatian Technical / Engineering translation services for English to Croatian, Croatian to English and other multiple languages.
Whether you require the translation of manuals, patents or research papers, TJC Global can help.
With over 25 years’ experience, TJC Global is a world leader in providing technical translation services for many highly specialised scientific industries.
We have established a large and diverse network of professional Croatian translators with expertise in various technical and engineering subjects. Therefore, we can source specialists with backgrounds or qualifications in your field to ensure that translations are completed to the highest standard.
Our translators will utilise their knowledge of technical and scientific terminology and their local and cultural knowledge to deliver precise, unambiguous translations: facilitating global business and information exchange all over the world.
Looking for Technical interpreting services? Please see our Technical Interpreting page.
Our Croatian technical translators can cover the following areas:
Some examples of the specialist areas in which we can provide Croatian technical interpreters:
Automotive Industry
Biofuel Industry
Plastic and Polymer
Biochemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Systems
Electrical Engineering
Software and Hardware
Energy (Power Generation)
Environmental Issues
Environmental Sciences
Technology (DVD, mobile, gaming, TV, radio, digital)
Industrial Engineering
IT / Computer Technology
Research Institutions
Marine Engineering
Structural Engineering
Circuit Diagrams
Mechanical Engineering
Process Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Oil and Gas Industry
Looking for interpreting assistance in other fields?
TJC Global provides specialist interpreting and translation services in various specialist fields. Whatever your requirements, we can find the right linguist to assist you.
If your industry or project type is not listed here, please contact us directly with your enquiry.
Our interpreters utilise their knowledge of subject-specific terminology to deliver precise, unambiguous interpretation, whatever the context – enabling you to communicate effectively with the rest of the world.
We are also able to adapt to almost any type of project.
What to do next? Contact us
Please use the Quick Quote system above for a quote for interpreting, translation services or a related enquiry.
If you would like more information about our language services, please contact us.